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The certificate is the only official source for values and uncertainties.
Element Unit Certified valuea Expanded uncertaintyb Ag mg.kg-1 1.29 0.10 As mg.kg-1 11.9 0.9 Ca mg.kg-1 2.43x103 0.28x103 Cd mg.kg-1 3.14 0.24 CH3Hg mg.kg-1 as Hg 5.22x10-3 0.87x10-3 Co mg.kg-1 0.201 0.025 Cr mg.kg-1 0.97 0.11 Cu mg.kg-1 146 13 Fe mg.kg-1 131 12 Hg mg.kg-1 21.1x10-3 2.1x10-3 Mg mg.kg-1 3.08x103 0.39x103 Mn mg.kg-1 66.7 5.3 Na mg.kg-1 19.7x103 2.3x103 Pb mg.kg-1 0.361 0.053 Rb mg.kg-1 5.14 0.59 Se mg.kg-1 3.06 0.33 Sr mg.kg-1 20.6 1.6 V mg.kg-1 0.90 0.13 Zn mg.kg-1 727 48 a) Information on calculation of certified values
Certified values are calculated from the accepted data sets, each set being obtained by a different laboratory and/or a different method of determination following ISO Guide 35 ‘Reference materials – General and statistical principles for certification’ [1].
b) Information on method used for uncertainty estimation
The uncertainty is expressed as a combined uncertainty with a coverage factor k = 2, corresponding to a level of probability 95% , estimated in accordance with the JCGM 100:2008 ‘Evaluation of measurement data – Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement’ [2] and ISO Guide 35 [1].