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規(guī)格 市場價(元) 折后價(元) 供貨周期 數(shù)量 加入購物車 50ml 0.00 0.00 3-4周 加入購物車
IAEA-B-3 is a groundwater sample collected from an alluvial aquifer in the upper basin of the Cecina River, Italy. After filtration, water samples were acidified with boron free HCl and distributed into polyethylene bottles. The material is prepared by the Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Pisa, Italy [1]. The recommended values of the quality control material are the results of the statistical evaluation of an interlaboratory comparison [2].
Analyte Value Unit SD R/I/C δ11B -21.4 ‰NBS 951 0.89 R (R/I/C) Classification assigned to the property value for analyte (Recommended/Information/Certified)
TONARINI, S., PENNISI, M., ADORNI-BRACCESI, A., DINI, A., FERRARA, G., GONFIANTINI, R., WIEDENBECK, M., GR?NING, M., Intercomparison of boron isotope and concentration measurements. Part I: Selection, preparation and homogeneity tests of the intercomparison materials, Geostandards Newsletter 27 1 (2003) 21-39.
GONFIANTINI R., TONARINI, S., GR?NING, M., ADORNI-BRACCESI, A., AL-AMMAR, A.S., ASTNER, M., B?CHLER, S., BARNES, R.M., BASSETT, R.L., COCHERIE, A., DEYHLE, A., DINI, A., FERRARA, G., GAILLARDET, J., GRIMM, J., GUERROT, C., KR?HENBüHL, U., LAYNE, G., LEMARCHAND, D., MEIXNER, A., NORTHINGTON, D.J., PENNISI, M., REITZNEROVá, E., RODUSHKIN, I., SUGIURA, N., SURBERG, R., TONN, S., WIEDENBECK, M., WUNDERLI, S., XIAO, Y., ZACK, T., Intercomparison of boron isotope and concentration measurements. Part II: Evaluation of the results, Geostandards Newsletter 27 1 (2003) 41-57.